What is monero Topic - Our Suggestion

A Complete Guide to Monero Cloud Mining

What is Monero Cloud Mining? Monero ( aka XMR) is a cryptocurrency celebrated for its privacy, which is obviously a priority for anyone considering investing in a cryptocurrency. Monero cloud mining involves renting or buying equipment from a provider, which is designed to extract Monero on your behalf. More in-depth guidance to cloud mining in general is available in our main dedicated page, so head over there if you’re looking to learn the fundamentals. What Providers Can Be Used for Monero Mining In The Cloud Safely? There’s only one site for cloud mining which has a Monero...   Read more

What is Monero Cryptocurrency? Monero Guide

Monero’s team describes this cryptocurrency as a highly-secure, untraceable system offering unparalleled privacy. It employs a cutting-edge form of Monero cryptography to keep every single transaction 100 percent untraceable, providing peace of mind. In a world which is becoming continually transparent, it’s simple to understand why a cryptocurrency that emphasizes privacy is so appealing to so many people. But how does it work? What other benefits does it offer? In this ‘What is Monero?’ guide, we explore the fundamentals, what makes it unique, and more about Monero. Histor...   Read more